UIJar ⁂ Appreciating good design over trends in website and graphic design world. Curated by @oykun

Bold, dark style with smoothly animated 3D elements works so well.

Love how smooth the animations, transitions are.

Tough Love Letters from a Designer

Unlock your full potential, gain new perspectives and break free from self-limitations with the collection of inspiring and honest letters born out of Tough-Love



Uniquely shaped letter X adds so much personality to this brand. Kudos to Le SΓ©isme


Website β†—

Editorial look with its clean design and big typography is a style I usually cherish. Changing background colours as you scroll adds more personality to the website.

"Where you innovate, how you innovate, and what you innovate are design problems."

Tim Brown Tweet β†—

RSS β†— Tw β†— Fb β†— Ig β†— Sponsor About Made by @Oykun β†—

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