UIJar ⁂ Appreciating good design over trends in website and graphic design world. Curated by @oykun

Bold, dark style with smoothly animated 3D elements works so well.

Love how smooth the animations, transitions are.

Tough Love Letters from a Designer

Unlock your full potential, gain new perspectives and break free from self-limitations with the collection of inspiring and honest letters born out of Tough-Love



Uniquely shaped letter X adds so much personality to this brand. Kudos to Le SΓ©isme


Website β†—

Editorial look with its clean design and big typography is a style I usually cherish. Changing background colours as you scroll adds more personality to the website.

"Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style. "

Massimo Vignelli Tweet β†—

RSS β†— Tw β†— Fb β†— Ig β†— Sponsor About Made by @Oykun β†—

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