UIJar ⁂ Appreciating good design over trends in website and graphic design world. Curated by @oykun



Fol Studio’s branding here takes cues from nature with those soothing colors and shapes, giving off a super chill and welcoming vibe.

Beautiful use of large photography, the combination of vivid colours on black and big typography.

Tough Love Letters from a Designer

Unlock your full potential, gain new perspectives and break free from self-limitations with the collection of inspiring and honest letters born out of Tough-Love



Mesmerising intro from the brand name sets this agency apart from the very first moment. The small font size and wide white spaces help portfolio pieces to stand out.

A large serif title paired with a small sans serif body copy in this editorial layout greatly helps to achieve the classy look that the brand aims for. Btw that blurry bg effect in the nav is a delight.

Saint Heron


Creative layouts for creative results. I love how images interrupt the copy, that has only 1 size, give them unique shapes.



Such a simple and slim line with a strong font, who would think it would work, and it beautifully does : ) Kudos to Milkshake.

Impactful photography combined with large typography makes this website stand out. I also appreciate the great use of Serif and Sand Serif on the same page.

Grids? Consistent alignment? Sometimes it is good to break the rules and create something unusual. I appreciate the different experience this simple website gives.



I've always been a fan of Querida's simplistic approach. All you need 1 size font and 1 simple page website to showcase your work!

Simple, yet memorable website by Oak Park Studio. Appreciate the daring move of using 1 colour only and especially red : )



So much to appreciate in this simple portfolio. Post-it is such a smart and cute idea, it actually makes you read : ). I love how all the work is instantly, clearly available as you scroll. Kudos!

This sharp, simple website by a group of creatives makes a fun use of vivid colours that take over the whole page.



An audio project with a minimal, clean, sharp design approach. I find such experimental projects so inspiring!

I love the fun typographic play in the intro. It helps their brand name to stick with visitors. Smart! Then as I scroll down the page, the editorial content takes over. I love this look and feel.

"Where you innovate, how you innovate, and what you innovate are design problems."

Tim Brown Tweet ↗

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